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Top Las Vegas Speakers Bureau and Talent Agency and EEA Collaborate to Help Reimagine Meetings

BaskowJaki Baskow, who has owned what is widely considered a legendary talent agency and speakers bureau for more than 45 years based in Las Vegas, has joined forces with the Enterprise Engagement Alliance to offer a new service to enhance the meetings experience.

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Baskow Event Experiences, supported by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s EnterpriseEngagement.org news, research and how-to information platform, will help organizations radically rethink their events to make them more purposeful and engaging.
The new Baskow Event Experiences service will offer a more immersive and targeted approach to help organizations achieve their event purpose, goals, and objectives in a measurable way. Celebrities, industry experts and influencers will be part of events in a more interactive manner to support the purpose, goals, objectives, and values of each organization and event, according to its founders.
Bolger“This new service is designed to help organizations of all types break the mold on the traditional event format of keynote speakers and panels, which can easily be presented online live or streaming on demand,” says Bruce Bolger, founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA). “Our new approach focuses on storytelling and emotional connection aligned with clear purpose and metrics. These events foster innovation, collaboration, and relationship-building through shared, unforgettable experiences specifically designed to support the purpose, goals, and objectives in a measurable way.”
The service was inspired in part by a recent EEA YouTube webinar, “Reimagining Meetings—Getting Specific,” on which Baskow was a guest.
Because of EEA’s commitment to supporting the development of solution providers who understand the need to engage all stakeholders, the EEA is supporting Baskow because of her legendary status as a top talent agent and commitment to innovation, says Bolger. “She is often referred to as the ‘Queen of Vegas.’ That’s good enough for us.”
Explains Baskow, “I have built my career recruiting the world’s most engaging and inspiring talent to help organizations achieve their goals through events. The format works when you do it right, but in the new world of video and podcasts on demand, it’s time to shake it up. We can’t ask busy people to travel to sit in conference centers absorbing information they can easily get online. Creative thinking about event formats doesn’t lessen the need for talent to drive engagement. Instead, we need to select the right talent, celebrities or business experts and influencers to support the purpose, goals, and objectives of the event, and who enjoy getting off the stage to not only mingle with but work with attendees to share their journeys or expertise.”
The service offers multiple meeting planning support services, say the founders, including:
Purpose-focused talent selection — Leveraging Baskow’s decades of experience in celebrity, business and influencer talent management for events, this service helps organizations not only select the right celebrity, industry expert or influencer based on the audience, goals, and objectives, but in conjunction with meeting planner partners, helps design formats that foster more intimate and shared interactions, Bolger says.
Collaboration, innovation, problem-solving formats — In collaboration with other innovative experts, “we help organizations turn their events into problem-solving, new product innovation, or other collaborative efforts to help organizations address key goals and even cultural issues. These can include fish-bowl, town-hall, or facilitated roundtables aimed at achieving specific solutions or greater alignment," explains Baskow. 
Authentic experiences that give back to communities — “Working with our Short Escapes and other partners, we create unique ways for program participants to authentically experience local cultures in ways that support the story of the event and the community as a whole in a way that people will never forget,” says Baskow.
360-degree event strategies — Develop social media, e-newsletters, or even YouTube content strategy to keep the event community connected throughout the year with useful content from the event or current news to maintain engagement.
For More Information
Jaki Baskow
Baskow Talent LLC, DBA Las Vegas Speakers Bureau
702 547 5119
Bruce Bolger
Enterprise Engagement Alliance
914-591-7600, ext. 230

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  • All the industry news, research, announcements, and how-to articles read by over 20,000 end-users in sales, marketing, and human resources; incentive, recognition, loyalty and promotional companies, as well as marketing and human resources agencies, seeking to enhance performance through effectively designed incentive programs.
  • Unparalleled business development services for engagement, incentive and incentive travel, recognition firms; brands, gift cards and master fulfillment companies, and technology firms, featuring ROI-based business development strategy design and ongoing digital and social media and e-newsletter communications to help marketers profit in the coming era of cookie-less marketing. 
  • Unique abilities for solution providers to sponsor authoritative, evergreen content directly related to what they sell through the EEA’s Effective Practices series on articles in our media platforms.
  • EEA YouTube Channel with over three dozen how-to and insight videos and growing with nearly 100 expert guests.
  • Access to new technologies from EEA preferred solution providers enabling brands to create their own points-based or transactional redemption site.
  • Unparalleled expertise in program design, return on investment measurement, reporting, and prescriptive analytics.
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