Survey Looks at How U.K. Firms Use Incentive Rewards
A new survey of companies in the United Kingdom reveals that a majority offer non-cash rewards & recognition to employees (81%), salespeople (72%), distributors/channel partners (57%), and customers (63%). The online study, jointly sponsored by the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) and the Intellective Group, examined the rewards & recognition practices of 100 U.K.-based organizations. Overall, the survey found that U.K. companies leverage non-cash employee and sales reward and recognition programs to promote desired behaviors – and reported growth and increased investments relative to these programs. The majority currently offer group and individual incentive travel, while half offer merchandise and many offer prepaid and digital rewards. Most companies work with incentive industry suppliers in some capacity; however, many respondents are unaware of industry associations that provide thought leadership. The survey also revealed that 49% of U.K. companies integrate their incentive campaigns with customer management systems (CMS), as well as employ social media (39%), corporate social responsibility (CSR) (33%), and gaming (21%) as enhancements. To view/download a copy of the full study, please click here.