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News From IESP, Kudos, Procurement Intl, Extu

Here’s rundown on news from various companies and organizations in the world of incentive, rewards, and recognition.
The Incentive and Engagement Solution Providers group within the Incentive Marketing Association publishes report on...Kudos adds AI to its recognition platform...Procurement International joins UPS sustainable shipping program...ETU opens Dallas Office.

IESP Publishes Study on Rewards Preferences
Procurement International Joins UPS Carbon Neutral Initiative
Kudos Adds AI to Recognition Platform
EXTU Opens Dallas Office

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IESP Publishes Study on Rewards Preferences Graph

How to Offer the Incentives and Rewards They’re Willing to Work Foris a compilation of the views of 67 incentive and recognition solution providers conducted at the end of 2023 on effective practices.
Among the findings:
  • “Rewards with high perceived value deliver more incremental effort and behavior than lower-value options. (4.39)
  • Offering multiple reward types (merchandise, gift cards, and branded items, for example) increases the program’s desirability and performance. (4.18)
  • Rewards that create memorable experiences are more motivating and are more likely to deliver incremental results. (4.13)
  • Reserving some reward types for the higher-tier members of programs (e.g. top performers) is a great way to encourage people to level up their performance. (4.10)
  • Highly curated and personalized reward offerings are more meaningful than large catalogs or cash-like options. (3.81)
  • Offering a single reward type with various options is the most effective model because it simplifies the member experience. (2.87)”
Travel experiences, gift cards, and brand-name merchandise top the list of rewards with the greatest impact, according to the survey respondents.

Procurement International Joins UPS Carbon Neutral Initiative Andrew Bell

UK-based Procurement International, a global rewards solutions provider, has joined the UPS Carbon Neutral Shipping program to minimize its environmental footprint. By using UPS Carbon Neutral Shipping services, Procurement International “now ensures that its shipments are carbon neutral, effectively offsetting the carbon emissions associated with package delivery.”
According to the company, “UPS Carbon Neutral Shipping offers a transparent and effective way to mitigate the environmental impact of shipping activities. Through carbon offset projects such as reforestation, renewable energy, and methane capture, UPS invests in initiatives that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support sustainable development worldwide.”
Says Andy Bell, General Manager at Procurement International. “At Procurement International, we recognise the importance of sustainability in today’s business landscape. By choosing UPS Carbon Neutral Shipping, we are taking concrete steps to minimize our environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.”

Kudos Adds AI to Recognition Platform Muni Boga

 Kudos, a Calgary-based employee recognition and rewards provider has launched Recognition Assistant, an AI-powered feature :designed to refine and simplify employee recognition. Built into the Kudos platform, this tool enhances participation and expands the reach of recognition programs, broadening how organizations celebrate and appreciate their team members' contributions,” according to the announcement.
The company says that the Kudos Recognition Assistant “uses generative AI to help users craft more impactful and meaningful messages while tailoring them to individual achievements and occasions. This seamless integration of technology and appreciation ensures that all team members' efforts are acknowledged promptly and thoughtfully.”
Explains Muni Boga, President and CEO of Kudos, "Effective recognition is about sincerity and personalization. However, finding the right words can sometimes be a challenge, especially under time or language constraints. Our Recognition Assistant removes these barriers by providing suggestions that users can adopt directly or customize as needed. This not only enhances the recognition experience but also significantly eases the process for all our users."

EXTU Opens Dallas Office William Lupo

Atlanta-based Extu, a provider of channel marketing and sales solutions formerly known as Incentive Solutions, has opened a 2,489 square foot office in Dallas reflecting “Extu’s expanded presence in the dynamic and growing Dallas market,” according to a company statement.
“With its robust economy, diverse talent pool and vibrant tech scene, Dallas presents an opportunity to be closer to key clients and partners in the region,” says Bill Lupo, Extu’s Chief Revenue Officer. “Additionally, this expansion is part of our broader strategy to enhance operational efficiency by having a foothold in another central location within the US.”
The specific location for Extu’s Dallas office was chosen for its strategic advantages, including its accessibility, proximity to key business districts and the availability of local amenities that make it an attractive place for employees. The area is well-served by public transportation, ensuring an easy commute for team members.

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  • Unparalleled business development services for engagement, incentive and incentive travel, recognition firms; brands, gift cards and master fulfillment companies, and technology firms, featuring ROI-based business development strategy design and ongoing digital and social media and e-newsletter communications to help marketers profit in the coming era of cookie-less marketing. 
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  • Access to new technologies from EEA preferred solution providers enabling brands to create their own points-based or transactional redemption site.
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