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Mitchell, Dunne Honored at 2017 IMA Summit in Orlando

Long-time Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) and Incentive Manufacturers Representatives Alliance (IMRA) member Pete Mitchell received the 2017 IMA President’s Award at the recent IMA Summit in Orlando.

The IMA also honored Giftcard Consulting Managing Director Brian Dunne with the Karen Renk Fellowship Award. Mitchell, a past IMRA President, has shared his passion for the incentive industry via 10 years of facilitating the IMA Special Markets Dialogues.

An entrepreneur at heart, Mitchell revamped and expanded incentive programs for many companies at a time when the industry was just starting to grow. He also created and operated several businesses before landing at Samsonite, where he served most recently as Director of B2B Sales. Dunne was recognized for championing the IMA and the incentive industry. He is a frequent speaker on gift cards, loyalty, incentives and motivation. He also served as President of IMA Europe for eight years and was on the IMA Board of Directors. More information at http://www.incentivemarketing.org/news/
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