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GC Incentives Cuts Program Costs by Leveraging Technology

Omaha, NE-based GC Incentives is leveraging technology to make it even easier for clients to offer high value and appealing rewards that reinforce their brand without the costs associated with markups, shipping and fees. “After listening to our customers, we see an opportunity to shift our direction to offer even deeper integration to what customers are looking for,” says Rick Buer, GC Incentives CEO, “which is to embrace the benefits of technology without the restrictions and exorbitant costs attached to expensive platforms.” The company is driving down costs for its clients in two ways:
  • making an Application Program Interface the hub of its system, an initiative recently validated in Accenture’s “Technology Vision 2017” report
  • following the trend of consumers who are shifting their spending from brick-and-mortar retail to online by offering mobile experiences.
“A warehouse filled with merchandise is how many in our industry fulfill employee incentive and rewards programs,” explains Buer. “Companies can find themselves paying a premium of 20% or more over the cost of buying the exact same item online.” He notes that GC Incentives is focused on cutting out a significant part of the overhead costs – up to 40% – for its clients. For more information, go to www.gcincentives.com
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