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Former US Motivation Chief Weede Halts Launch of New Company

Tina Weede, who announced the formation of Innovative People Solutions after the closing of US Motivation, has decided not to move ahead with the new company. 
In a statement, Weede said: “With every loss in life we go through stages of grief, from shock and denial, guilt and anger, to bargaining and finally acceptance. This held true for the associates, travel staff and clients of USM. After many conversations this week with associates who saw the company that they loved cease to exist, we all shared a common thread: that what made USMotivation so special for so many years were the associates, our travel staff and clients. What I have also realized is that USMotivation is gone and that starting something new would not replace the old. For this reason, I have decided not to move forward with Innovative People Strategies. My goal was to help our associates and clients by forming IPS. I thought this would be a defining moment and opportunity for everyone, but now realize that the defining moment is to let her go.
“Many of the associates have already received offers for new positions with other great companies, and this is a testament to their knowledge, dedication and commitment, not only to US Motivation but to the Industry we all love. To the new employers, please take care of these associates, they are jewels and some of the best people you will ever meet.”

For more information, contact:
Contact: Tina Gunn Weede
Phone 678-427-0904
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