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EEA Creates Free Incentive, Rewards, Recognition Design and Support Desk

Organizations and solution providers in all areas of the IRR (Incentive, Rewards, and Recognition) field can now take advantage of a free help desk for information on process design, measurement, research, and more for employees, customers, channel and supply chain partners, and communities. 

Click here for links to RRN Preferred Solution Providers.
“What if 80% of all employees were engaged, instead of only 20%,” asks Charlie Malouf, CEO of Broad River Retail in a recent EEA YouTube Video Clearly something isn’t working.  Further, industry surveys consistently find a lack of measurement on the impact of incentive, recognition, reward, loyalty, and other engagement programs.
The free Enterprise Engagement Alliance Stakeholder Management Support Desk is aimed at making it easy for any size organization or professional to address this fundamental issue by gaining access to expert guidance on any aspect of stakeholder management implementation or engagement process and design, including incentive, recognition, and loyalty efforts, to achieve more sustainable performance. The help desk is meant to address the fact that very few business people have received any training in effective incentive, recognition, and rewards design and measurement.
The design center is led by Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, drawing upon expertise from dozens of experts and solution providers as needed. Bolger is the author of the recently published Guidebook for Purpose Leaders, a four-part white paper that covers the principles, profiles Purpose Leaders, highlights the necessary tools, and provides a complete library of resources. He is also co-author of Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, and Enterprise Engagement for CEOs, and of the original Principles of Results-Based Incentive Program Design, updated many times since by the Incentive Marketing Association.
The EEA maintains the most comprehensive libraries and resources on both incentives, rewards, and recognition, and overall stakeholder management. Topics can include almost any type of engagement solution, metrics and return on investment measurement, and corporate sustainability reporting. If the EEA doesn't know of a solution, you will be directed, if possible, to someone who might. 
Simply email your questions or requirements to Bolger at Bolger@TheEEA.org or call 914-591-7600, ext. 230. Questions can involve research, effective practices, process design and measurement, and referrals to almost any type of engagement solution provider with no referral fees or hidden commissions.
The support center “addresses the fact that despite the exceptional access to leadership coaching and wisdom, and expertise in all of the many tools involved with engaging people, employee engagement is no better than it was 20 years ago,” says Davin Salvagno, Co-Founder of the PurposePoint community, a participant in the coalition of solution providers supporting the center. PurposePoint is a coalition of corporate coaches in all areas of leadership.

How RRN and Brand Media Coalition: Your Partner in Success in Incentives, Rewards, and RecognitionEnterprise Engagement for CEOs

Published by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at TheEEA.org

  • The only weekly news, how-to and resource publication of record for the Incentive, Rewards, and Recognition field.
  • The only marketing agency focusing specifically on the IRR and broader engagement marketplace.
Contact Bruce Bolger at 914-591-7600, ext. 230 or email Bolger@TheEEA.org when you want to get to know or get known in this growing $176 billion marketplace.

The Industry’s Only Combined Media Platform and Marketing Agency to Help You Expand Your Business Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap
  • All the industry news, research, announcements, and how-to articles read by over 20,000 end-users in sales, marketing, and human resources; incentive, recognition, loyalty and promotional companies, as well as marketing and human resources agencies, seeking to enhance performance through effectively designed incentive programs.
  • Unparalleled business development services for engagement, incentive and incentive travel, recognition firms; brands, gift cards and master fulfillment companies, and technology firms, featuring ROI-based business development strategy design and ongoing digital and social media and e-newsletter communications to help marketers profit in the coming era of cookie-less marketing. 
  • Unique abilities for solution providers to sponsor authoritative, evergreen content directly related to what they sell through the EEA’s Effective Practices series on articles in our media platforms.
  • EEA YouTube Channel with over three dozen how-to and insight videos and growing with nearly 100 expert guests.
  • Access to new technologies from EEA preferred solution providers enabling brands to create their own points-based or transactional redemption site.
  • Unparalleled expertise in program design, return on investment measurement, reporting, and prescriptive analytics.
Click here for complete information on all our services. 

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