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EEA Brand Media Coalition 2023 Focus: Effective Practices, ROI, Outreach

BMCThe Brand Media Coalition’s Brand Engagement 360 campaign is designed to address multiple Incentive Federation and Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) studies proving that the Incentive, Rewards, and Recognition (IRR) field is a $176 billion field that few have ever heard of, with programs often managed by people with little knowledge of the growing library of case studies and research and effective program and reward experience design.
By Bruce Bolger

Broader 2022 Accomplishments

BMC Services for 2023
At a time when organizations face unprecedented customer, employee, distribution partner, and community engagement challenges, as well as growing scrutiny over people management practices, the Incentive, Rewards, and Recognition (IRR) field has an unprecedented opportunity to enhance its value to corporations around the world.
The Enterprise Engagement Alliance founded the Brand Media Coalition to help educate management on the effective use of incentive, recognition, and loyalty programs and to help solution providers elevate their value proposition by supporting more measurable, impactful programs.
According to the latest IRF survey, 61% of all event gifts are bought through online retailers, not industry resources, and that most US incentive users don’t employ incentive or recognition companies. Of the $176 billion in estimated US incentive expenditures by the 2022 Incentive Federation study, the vast majority moves through retail merchandise and travel outlets, not through industry experts. 
  • To address the visibility challenge, the BMC and its RRN at RewardsRecognitionNetwork.com have joined forces with the Association of National Advertisers to educate thousands of leading brands and their agencies on our field through a comprehensive Brand Engagement 360 education and information effort.
  • The BMC has launched the Brand Club and storefront hub enabling brands and wholesalers to have their own transactional and points-based redemption sites, in which their products can stand alone, linked to an optional referral widget that any size company can use to reward people for referring new customers, talent, and distribution partners. 
  • To enhance distribution, the EEA is working with EME Gold Events to introduce the top 3% of promotional distributors to the use of brands, incentive, and recognition programs.

Broader 2022 Accomplishments

Over the last year, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance has advanced a greater understanding of a formal approach to people management that includes a total rewards strategy.
  • Publication of one of the first ISO 30414 conforming human capital reports detailing Stakeholder Engagement practices at a US-based technology company employing developers in both Ukraine, Russian, and many other nations.
  • Creation of perhaps the most comprehensive reference library of links to information on Total Rewards, including multiple market reports.
  • Launched an initiative for a leading investment fund to help it develop a proxy strategy on human capital management and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) using the ISO standards framework.
  • Launch of the Brand Club, a perquisite for members of the IRR marketplace, as well as a way for master fulfillment companies and brands to host their own storefronts on rewards and recognition redemption platforms on the industry’s first ever brand hub enabling each participating company to have its own brand identity.
  • Presentation of a three-part education program on the “ROI of DEI” for CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, a coalition of leading companies managed by PwC.
  • A complete update of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s education program to include the books for five leading authors and experts on Stakeholder Capitalism and Human Capital Management, and an update of the EEA’s two books on Stakeholder Engagement—Enterprise Engagement for CEOs: The Little Bluebook for Stakeholder Capitalists, an implementation plan for senior management and boards, and Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, a practical guide to implementation that includes motivational experiences.
  • Production and distribution of dozens of high-level video interviews on the EEA YouTube channel with leaders in all areas of ESG investment, human capital management, on all aspects of Stakeholder Engagement that include total rewards, motivational events and incentive travel, many with recognized business leaders and influencers.
  • Support of the Conference Board on a series of video conferences on human capital management and reporting. 

BMC Services for 2023

Here is an overview of all BMC services in the coming year. 
1. Integrated Media and BMC Storefront Program Engage and Education 20,000 Professionals a Month in All Areas of Business to Establish a Formal Field Based on Stakeholder Engagement
You do not have to be a member of the Enterprise Engagement or otherwise do business with us to learn from and share your news with the industry’s most dedicated media platform. With its weekly e-newsletters, YouTube shows, and information libraries, EEA now publishes the media platforms of record in the world of Total Rewards and Stakeholder Engagement. 2. Education on the Principles of Stakeholder Management and Human Capital Reporting
  • With a faculty of renowned leaders in Stakeholder Management from the academic and business world, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at TheEEA.org has created literally the only formal professional education program on the practical implementation of Stakeholder Engagement.
  • Starting at only $1,050 the corporate EEA curriculum membership not only provides the most comprehensive learning program including a reference library of six books but the opportunity for formal certification.
  • Town hall meetings and authentic experiences—Facilitation of town-hall style meetings to enhance engagement and crowdsource knowledge based on the meeting agenda, and highly personalized “short escapes” excursions near popular destinations that enable small groups or individuals to have personal discoveries of local cultures and nature that add a third, emotional dimension to any business trip. 
3. Fully Integrated Modern Business Development for Engagement,Total Rewards, and Travel
  • Strategic targeted business plan development and implementation for Stakeholder Management and Total Rewards companies, including brand purpose refinement; integrated blog, social media, and e-newsletter campaigns managed by content marketing experts, and expert web site and marketing material development.
  • Stakeholder management advisory services for organizations seeking to implement formal stakeholder management practices and/or address the new European Union Corporate Responsibility Reporting directive.
Subscribe to RRN’s weekly e-newsletter.

Profit From the “S” of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)Enterprise Engagement for CEOs  

Through education, media, business development, advisory services, and outreach, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance supports boards, business analysts, the C-suite, management in finance, marketing, sales, human resources and operations, etc., educators, students  and engagement solution providers seeking a competitive advantage by implementing a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement across the enterprise. Click here for details on all EEA and RRN media services.
1. Professional Education on Stakeholder Management and Total Rewards
  • Become part of the EEA as an individual, corporation, or solution provider to gain access to valuable learning, thought leadership, and marketing resources.
  • The only education and certification program focusing on Stakeholder Engagement and Human Capital metrics and reporting, featuring seven members-only training videos that provide preparation for certification in Enterprise Engagement.
  • EEA books: Paid EEA participants receive Enterprise Engagement for CEOsThe Little Blue Book for People-Enterprise Engagement: The RoadmapCentric Capitalistsa quick implementation guide for CEOs;  Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap 5th Edition implementation guidea comprehensive textbook for practitioners, academics, and studentsplus four books on theory and implementation from leaders in Stakeholder Management, Finance, Human Capital Management, and Culture. 
2. Media 3. Fully Integrated Business Development for Engagement and Total Rewards
Strategic Business Development for Stakeholder Management and Total Rewards solution providers, including Integrated blog, social media, and e-newsletter campaigns managed by content marketing experts.
4. Advisory Services for Organizations
Stakeholder Management Business Plans Human Capital Management, Metrics, and Reporting for organizations, including ISO human capital certifications, and services for solution providers.
5. Outreach in the US and Around the World on Stakeholder Management and Total Rewards
The EEA promotes a strategic approach to people management and total rewards through its e-newsletters, web sites, and social media reaching 20,000 professionals a month and through other activities, such as:
Earn Big $ In EEA Referral Program
Brand Media Resources
EME Gold
Brand Resources
  • CarltonOne
  • Amazon
  • 1-800-flowers
  • Bulova
  • Mont Blanc
  • Callaway
  • Harco Incentives
  • Oakley
  • GoPro
  • Yeti