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Brightspot Acquires Incentive Team, a Channel Engagement Specialist

Mike MayThe Texas-based incentive and event firm's new addition specializes in creating motivation programs for the kitchen and bath industries using a lproprietary earning technology platform.
Brightspot Incentives and Events has acquired Atlanta-based Incentive Team, an incentive company specializing in channel engagement strategies. According to the Brightspot announcement, “Incentive Team's extensive experience in providing showroom loyalty programs will complement Brightspot's channel programs, enabling a broader spectrum of offerings to it clients, according to Brightspot's statement about the venture. Showroom professionals participating in these loyalty programs will now enjoy an enhanced experience, being rewarded for both learning and product sales. The integration will also enable Brightspot to foster relationships with industry leaders and brands that resonate with showroom professionals."
The parties were introduced by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s Engagement Agency mergers and acquisitions group. In the IRR field, The Engagement Agency previously facilitated the sale of Georgia-based Eagle Recognition Inc. and C.A. Short Inc., located in North Carolina.
Peter GoldbergerThe acquisition “expands our reach into new industries and reinforces our commitment to providing unparalleled incentives and channel programs to our clients," says Mike May, CEO of Brightspot. "The combined expertise and experience will enable us to deliver even more comprehensive solutions that drive long-term value for our clients."
Peter Goldberger, President of Incentive Team, will become a part-time account executive at Brightspot, where his "insights and expertise will be instrumental in crafting strategies to protect and grow salespeople, elevating the success of the showroom loyalty programs," says May. "He emphasized the importance of rewarding professionals throughout the sales process, and this approach aligns perfectly with Brightspot's commitment to excellence."
Says Bruce Bolger, who advises the EEA’s mergers and acquisitions group, “This is a smart move for both parties. Incentive Team achieves a greater distribution platform for its unique channel engagement platform based on learning and incentives and its customers have access to a broader range of products and services. Brightspot in turn gains a valuable proposition for its own clients involved with motivating dealers.”
For More Information
Contact Michael Mazer at 303-320-3777 for confidential guidance on the purchase or sale of assets in the engagement field or for companies seeking to incorporate stakeholder management analytics in buying and selling decisions.

RRN: Your Partner in Success in Incentives, Rewards, and Recognition

Published by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at TheEEA.org
  • The only weekly news, how-to and resource publication of record for the Incentive, Rewards, and Recognition field.
  • The only marketing agency focusing specifically on the IRR and broader engagement marketplace.
Contact Bruce Bolger at 914-591-7600, ext. 230 or email Bolger@TheEEA.org when you want to get to know or get known in this growing $176 billion marketplace.

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  • Unparalleled business development services for engagement, incentive and incentive travel, recognition firms; brands, gift cards and master fulfillment companies, and technology firms, featuring ROI-based business development strategy design and ongoing digital and social media and e-newsletter communications to help marketers profit in the coming era of cookie-less marketing. 
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  • Access to new technologies from EEA preferred solution providers enabling brands to create their own points-based or transactional redemption site.
  • Unparalleled expertise in program design, return on investment measurement, reporting, and prescriptive analytics.

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The EEA is dedicated to helping address the fact that the IRR business remains a little-known industry.
  • The Association of National Advertisers education effort reaches the CMOs of almost every leading brand to promote our industry and the importance of program design through created for their members.
  • The Brand Media Coalition has led the way in helping brands better tell their stories for use in incentive, recognition, and loyalty programs, and to actively promote the importance of the reward experience and buying through industry channels.
  • The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is assisting companies with the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, which includes details on the practices and metrics involved with employee and customer engagement.

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  • The EEA provides comprehensive and growing library of concise, research-based resources to promote serious ROI-based thinking, including the importance of the reward experience. 
  • Join the Enterprise Engagement Alliance to master the processes of enterprise engagement, stakeholder management and reporting, or contact the EEA to get expert assistance on strategy design, implementation, and reporting.

RRN: Your Partner in Success in Incentives, Rewards, and Recognition

Contact Bruce Bolger at 914-591-7600, ext. 230 or email Bolger@TheEEA.org when you want to get to know or get known in this growing $1.76 billion marketplace.
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