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2018 R&R Expo to Highlight Personalization, Customization and Reward Experiences

Based on extensive research and the importance of best practices in rewards & recognition specifically outlined in ISO Quality People Management standards,  the 2018 Rewards & Recognition Expo will encourage exhibitors to feature new ways to maximize the rewards experience.
The Rewards & Recognition Expo, May 8-9 at the Hilton Galveston Resort/Galveston Convention Center, will focus on new ways suppliers can customize, personalize and maximize the reward experience to help organizations apply the findings of considerable research and best practices supporting the use of carefully selected and designed reward programs.  
The R&R Expo attracts leading brands, corporate gift card providers and master fulfillment companies as exhibitors, and attendees involved in purchasing, planning and sales management from incentive, recognition and loyalty companies, as well as corporate practitioners involved with rewards and recognition. For more information, go to rewardsandrecognitionexpo.com. 
As part of the effort to elevate the field of rewards and recognition, the R&R Expo has announced the following initiatives:
Education on the Reward Experience, Program Design and the Impact of Brands
The R&R Expo will hold a town hall meeting of all attendees and exhibitors on the implications of the research and ISO 10018 certification on the reward experience just prior to the Expo Opening Reception at 5:30 pm, Tuesday, May 8.
In addition, the Expo is co-located with Professional Development Days under the umbrella of Engagement World, an educational partnership of multiple associations and certification programs holding programs before the Expo in various areas of engagement focusing on effective program design, including:
  • The Cultureworks.com leadership program
  • The Incentive Marketing Association's Incentive Practitioner program
  • Recognition Professionals International's Certification program
  • The Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s Advanced Engagement Practitioner (AEP) training program to prepare for ISO 10018 certification
  • A special program on Gift Card personalization, customization, experiences and on return on investment measurement.
A Focus on Brand Customization, Personalization and Experiences on the Show Floor
Exhibitors will be encouraged to focus on the ways they can help their clients maximize the reward experience through creative customization, personalization and experiential marketing. 
A Year-Round Rewards & Recognition Learning Center 
The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is launching a Rewards & Recognition Learning Center at EEA.tmlu.org focusing specifically on the implications of research and ISO 10018 guidelines on program design and rewards selection, personalization and customization. It is specifically designed for organizations that both sell and use rewards and recognition to help increase the number of companies running programs based on best practices. 
Explains Nick Gazivoda, RRN Vice President of Sales and R&R Expo Director, “There is so much research that isn’t being used. Our master fulfillment company customers tell us only about 15% of reward experiences are being customized in any type of way, when the research indicates the experience and thought behind a reward is even more important than the reward itself. We believe the research and the ISO 10018 focus on people and rewards best practices is one of the biggest opportunities for our industry to market its value and expertise.” 
For More Information:
Contact Nick Gazivoda
914-591-7600, ext. 238 
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